Postural, Propulsive, and prehensile capabilities in the cheiridia of Chimpanzees and other Great Apes
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Pre-Earthquake Intertidal Ecology of Three Saints Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska
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Primates of the French Early Eocene
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Proceedings of the 1999 Beijing International Symposium on Paleoanthropology
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Quantitative and Functional studies on the Hands of the Anthropoidea, I. The Hominoidea
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Reframing Scopes: Journalists, Scientists, and Lost Photographs from the Trial of the Century
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Rhodesian Archaeological Expedition (1929): Excavations in Bambata Cave and Researches on Prehistoric sites in Southern Rhodesia
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Rock Shelters of the Perigord: Geological Stratigraphy and Archaeological Succession
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Selected Collection of Scientific on Ecology and Biological Researches (1986-1990)
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Sexual Dimorphism in the Animal Kingdom: A theory of the secondary sex characters
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Some particulars of the skull and brain of early hominids and their bearing on the problem of the relationships between man and anthropoids
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Swartkrans: A Cave's Chronicle of Early Man (Transvaal Museum Monograph no. 8)
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Teeth Revisited: Proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on Dental Morphology
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