A Checklist of the Land Mammals of the Tanganyika Territory and the Zanzibar Protectorate
By Swynnerton, G. H. and Hayman, R. W.
SKU# 14749
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An Account of the Rats of Calcutta, with some remarks on the existing classification of the genera Mus and Nesokia, 2 parts, complete
By Hossack, W.C.
SKU# 13834
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An Account of the Rats of Calcutta, with some remarks on the existing classification of the genera Mus and Nesokia, 2 parts, complete.
By Hossack, W.C.
SKU# 13814
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Essai de Classification Naturelle des Vespertilions, et description de plusieur espèces de ce genre
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SKU# 13069
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Reindeer on South Georgia: the Ecology of an Introduced Population
By Leader-Williams, N.
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Species Limits of Rattus cremoriventer and Rattus langbianis Murid Rodents of Southeast Asia and the Greater Sunda Islands
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Thailand’s Natural Heritage: A look at some of the rarest animals in the Kingdom
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The Horse in Ancient China and its Cultural Influence in some other areas
By Olsen, Stanley J.
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The Zoological Exploration of Southern Africa, 1650-1790 (inscribed by author)
By Rookmaaker, L. C.
SKU# 19748
$ 400.00