Bibliografia del Golfo de California: Ciencias marinas: (Hasta el final de 1981) ++ Bibliography of the Gulf of California: Marine Sciences (Through 1981)
By Schwartzlose, Richard A. and Hendrickson, John R.
SKU# 13735
$ 40.00
Biology of the North Atlantic Fin Whale, Balaenoptera physalus (L): Taxonomy distribution and food
By Jonsgard, Age
SKU# 15059
$ 20.00
Description des Ossements Fossiles des Environs d’Anvers, Text volumes, Parts 2-5 (of 5 Parts)
By Beneden, P.J. van
SKU# 16049
$ 600.00
Études sur les mammifères aquatiques III: Chasse, biologie et valeur économique du Marsouin blanc ou Béluga du fleuve et du golfe Saint-Laurent
By Vladykov, Vadim D.
SKU# 13659
$ 25.00
Etudes sur les Mammiferes Aquatiques IV: Nourriture du Marsouin Blanc ou Beluga (Delphinapterus Leucas) du Fleuve Saint-Laurent
By Vladykov, Vadim D.
SKU# 13658
$ 30.00
Evidence for Mass Standings of the False Killer Whale (Pseudorca crassidens) in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean
By Mitchell, Edward
SKU# 15063
$ 7.00
International co-operation in whale markings: The Voyage of the “Enern” to the Antarctic in 1953
By Clarke, Robert and Ruud, Johan T.
SKU# 15065
$ 15.00
Missing Whale Ships: Copies of Memorials to the Admiralty, Treasury Minutes, etc., relating to missing whale ships
By Thomson, Poulett
SKU# 13820
$ 25.00
Missing Whale Ships: Correspondence between the Board of Treasury and the Merchants and others of Dundee, on the subject of missing whale ships
By Stewart, Robert
SKU# 13819
$ 20.00
Observations on Pacific Cetaceans of Californian and Mexican Waters
By Norris, Kenneth S. and Prescott, John H.
SKU# 19293
$ 20.00
Observing Whales: Participation of the Netherlands mariners in the Whale Research Project has proved a great success – after three years, 4500 reports with about 3500 observations
By Slijper, E. J. and Utrecht, W. L. van
SKU# 15209
$ 15.00
On the Development and Distribution of the Young Stages of Krill (Euphausia superba)
By Fraser, F.C.
SKU# 13888
$ 15.00
On the size and stock of Antarctic Fin Whales relative to the size of the catch
By Ottestad, Per
SKU# 15211
$ 15.00
Pelagic Whaling in the Antarctic, Part V: The Season 1934-1935 + Part VI: The Season 1935-1936 + Part VII: The Season 1936-1937 + Part VIII: The Season 1937-1938 + Part IX: The Season 1938-1939
By Hjort, J. Lie, J., Rudd, J. T. and Bergersen, B.
SKU# 15060
$ 55.00
Report on Cetacea Stranded on the British Coasts during 1927-1932, no. 11
By Fraser, F.C.
SKU# 15070
$ 10.00
$ 35.00
Sightings of Cetacea during the 1966 Trans-Atlantic Yacht Race
By Boyde, A., Brown, S. G. and Jones, S. I.
SKU# 15064
$ 10.00