Aanteekeningen over de anatomie van Cryptobranchus japonicus
By Schmidt, F. J. J., Goddard, Q. J. & Hoeven, J. van der
SKU# 18377
$ 120.00
Geographic variation on the number of teeth of the Japanese salamander, Hynobius lichenatus
By Hasumi, Masato and Iwasawa, Hisaaki
SKU# 15047
$ 12.00
Nominal Taxa of Recent Amphibians and Reptiles, I: Gymnophiona
By Smith, Rozella B. and Smith, Hobart M.
SKU# 14799
$ 12.00
Notes on Tylototriton unterstein with synopsis to species
By Fang, P. W. and Chang, Mangven, L. Y.
SKU# 17504
$ 18.00
Studies of Amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia): 6. The Genera Monopeltis and Dalophia in Southern Africa
By Broadley, Donald G., Gans, Carl, and Visser, John
SKU# 13980
$ 25.00
Studies of Amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia): 6. The Genera Monopeltis and Dalophia in Southern Africa
By Broadley, Donald G., Gans, Carl, and Visser, John
SKU# 13981
$ 20.00
$ 20.00
$ 15.00
The Hyobranchium and throat myology of the adult Ambystomidae of the United States and Norhern Mexico
By Krogh John E. and Tanner, William W.
SKU# 15873
$ 20.00
The Life History of the Common Water-Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens), together with observations on the sense of smell
By Pope, Philip H.
SKU# 15983
$ 20.00
$ 20.00
Vie et Moeurs des Amphibiens: Grenouilles, Crapauds, Tritons, Salamadres, Cecilies
By Angel, F.
SKU# 14506
$ 30.00
Vie et Moeurs des Amphibiens: Grenouilles, Crapauds, Tritons, Salamadres, Cecilies
By Angel, F.
SKU# 14507
$ 12.00