Abbildung und Beschreibung blühender Cacteen. Figures des Cactées en fleur peintes et lithographiées d'après nature (two volumes complete bound in one volume)
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Abstracts of the VIIIth International Congress of Primatology, Firenze, Italy, July 7-12, 1980, volume 3, no. 2
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Addresses in Memory of Edward Drinker Cope: Herpetological and Ichthyological Contributions
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Advanced Views in Primate Biology: Main Lectures of the VIIIth Congress of the International Primatological Society, Florence, 7-12 July, 1980
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Aggression and Peacefulness in Humans and Other Primates
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Aging in Nonhuman Primates (Primate Behavior and Development Series)
By Bowden, Douglas M.
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