Grey-headed, Red-Cheeked, Malabar, Black-Headed and Rosy Hand-Colored Plate
By Reichenow, Anton and Mützel, Gustav
SKU# 19643
$ 150.00
Hawk from Cuba (Cymindis Wilsonii Cassi.) Hand-Colored Plate
By Cassin, John and Bowen, J. T.
SKU# 15760
$ 35.00
Hooded Chat (Saxicola monacha) Dresser Hand Colored Plate
By Dresser, H. E. a and Keulemans, J. G.
SKU# 16477
$ 35.00
$ 50.00
$ 20.00
Little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) Chromolithograph Plate
By Naumann, J. A. and Keulemans, J. G.
SKU# 19646
$ 20.00
$ 20.00
Mealy Amazon, Guatemalan Amazon, Vinaceous Amazon, Salle's Amazon, White-fronted Amazon, Green-cheeked Amazon, and Yellow-cheeked Amazon Hand-Colored Plate
By Reichenow, Anton and Mützel, Gustav
SKU# 19644
$ 150.00
Meleagris Gallopavo (female and young) Hand Colored Plate
By Jardine, W., and Lizars, W. H.
SKU# 19673
$ 20.00
$ 20.00
$ 20.00
$ 20.00