American Plant Names

By Clute, Willard N.

SKU# 14837

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B-P-H Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum

By Lawrence, George H.M. et al.

SKU# 12649

$ 15.00

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Bodenpflanzen des Waldes: Taschenbildbuch

By Amann, Gottfried

SKU# 18947

$ 110.00

Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana, volumes 43, 44, 45 and 50 (2a Serie), in 4 volumes

By Fernandes, A. and Barros Neves, J. (editors)

SKU# 14756

$ 35.00

Bryogeographie de la Suisse

By Amann, J.

SKU# 10752

$ 20.00

Catalogue of Canadian Plants, Part 6: Musci

By Macoun, John and Kindberg, N. C.

SKU# 12019

$ 20.00

$ 65.00