Notes on the Reptiles from South China and Kiran + Notes on some Amphibians and Reptiles from Kwangsi + Studies on the Amphibians of Honan
By Tchang, T. L., Liao, K. M. and Fu, T. S.
SKU# 15411
$ 65.00
Notes on the Reptiles from South China and Kiran + Notes on some Amphibians and Reptiles from Kwangsi + Studies on the Amphibians of Honan
By Tchang, T. L., Liao, K. M. and Fu, T. S.
SKU# 15412
$ 55.00
Notes on Tylototriton unterstein with synopsis to species
By Fang, P. W. and Chang, Mangven, L. Y.
SKU# 17504
$ 18.00
Notes sur quelques Reptiles appartenant a la collection du Musée Royal d’Historie Naturelle de Belgique. I. Formes africaines
By Laurent, Raymond
SKU# 14898
$ 10.00
Nova Genera ac Species Plantarum in regno Chilensi Peruviano et in terra Amazonica
By Poeppig, Eduardus and Endlicher, Stephano
SKU# 12255
$ 250.00
Nuevos datos sobre el genero Telmatobius en el Noroeste Argentino con descripcion de una nueva especie de al Sierra del Manchao
By Laurent, Raymond P.
SKU# 14855
$ 13.00
Obras Completas / Adolfo Ernst (compilación por Blas Bruni Celli; coordinador de la edición, Miguel Suárez), tomo I-X, complete
By Ernst, Adolfo
SKU# 18984
$ 1,250.00
Observations on Pacific Cetaceans of Californian and Mexican Waters
By Norris, Kenneth S. and Prescott, John H.
SKU# 19293
$ 20.00
Observations on the Genus Mesembryanthemum, in Two Parts, containing scientific descriptions of above one hundred and thirty species
By Haworth, Adrian Hardy
SKU# 16186
$ 1,850.00
Observations sur les Tortues terrestres et paludines de Bassin de la Mediterranee
By Lortet, L.
SKU# 19804
$ 1,600.00
Observations sur les Variations Accidentelles du Mode survant lequel les Feuilles sont distribuées sur les Tiges des Végétaux
By Dutrochet, M.
SKU# 13093
$ 15.00
Observing Whales: Participation of the Netherlands mariners in the Whale Research Project has proved a great success – after three years, 4500 reports with about 3500 observations
By Slijper, E. J. and Utrecht, W. L. van
SKU# 15209
$ 15.00
Oceanography IV. The Work of the Carnegie and Suggestions for Future Scientific Cruises,
By Ault, Captain J.P.
SKU# 11725
$ 25.00
$ 285.00