Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Superfamily Noctuidae found in Boreal America
by Smith, John B.
$ 20.00
Catalogue of the Pontian Bovidae of Europe in the Department of Geology (British Museum)
by Pilgrim, Guy E. and Hopwood, Arthur T.
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Cavicornier der Hipparion-Fauna Nord-China (Palaeontologia Sinica, series C, volume 9, fascicle 4)
by Bohlin, Birger
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Cenozoic Mammals and Environment of Hengduan Mountains Region
by Zong, Guanfu, Xu, Qinqi, et al.
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Census survey and population ecology of Bonnet macaque Macaca radiata (E. Geoffroy) in South India
by Kurup, G. U.
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Cephalopodes de la section supérieure du calcaire carbonifère de la Russie central
by Tzwetaev, Marie
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Ceratomorpha and Ancylopoda (Perissodactyla) from the Lower Eocene Paris Basin, France
by Savage, Donald E., Russell, Donald E. and Louis, Pierre
$ 10.00