Contribution à la connaissance de la faune subfosslie de Madagascar: Note IX: Orellie osseuse des Lémuriens
By Lamberton, C.
SKU# 14693
$ 50.00
Contribution a la Craniologie Comparee des Primates. Les Genres Colobus Illiger 1811 et Cercopithecus Linne 1758
By Verheyen, Walter N.
SKU# 16316
$ 30.00
$ 20.00
$ 13.00
Contribution Toward a Monograph of the Insects of the Lepidopterous Family Noctuidae
By Smith, J.B.
SKU# 11879
$ 10.00
Contributions to the Comparative Anatomy of the Reptilian and Amphibian Eye, chiefly based on ophthalmological examination
By Johnson, George L.
SKU# 12727
$ 40.00
Contributions to the Knowledge of the Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of American Food Fishes and Invertebrates
By Atwater, W. O.
SKU# 17932
$ 25.00
Contributions to the life history of Sciaenidae of the eastern United States coast
By Welsh, William W. and Breder, C. M.
SKU# 17915
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$ 22.00
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Cranial morphology of the Loxommidae (Amphibia: Labyrinthodontia)
By Beaumont, Eilneen H.
SKU# 13009
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Craniofacial Morphology of the Sulawesi Macaques: Multivariate Approaches to Biological Problems
By Albrecht, Gene H.
SKU# 18327
$ 45.00
$ 12.00